Frugal Month LTS on Budget Tab
Brandon Trautmann
Shipping in v1.12.0 as an optional setting that defaults to "on". Note that if the ACTUAL left to spend is less than the frugal month LTS, the ACTUAL will be shown. If this causes confusion we can add additional UI elements to explain. I already have plans to do so for the other Highlight fields (to explain the mat/calculation for each figure).
Brandon Trautmann
in progress
Estimated to ship in v1.11.x
I prefer to have a way to see my Budget depending on whether I want to focus on frugal categories or all categorized or other things. I like the flexibility better. Frugal month should be independent of Budget.
One way to reduce confusion could be asking user to select a view for frugal month instead of selecting categories.
In my case, I created a Frugal view with same categories that I have selected for frugal months. So that view is my default in Budget tab. Then, left to spend changes depending on your selected view.